Friday, August 3, 2012

Notes from letter of July 30, 2012
 God has showed us miracle after miracle this week. It was rather amazing. Can I just testify to how many doors can be opened through a smile and being friendly. I have this habit of smiling, waving, and saying "buenas!" to almost everyone on the street. Well that gives me a door a lot of times. Example: the other day I just waved and smiled and a guy got a smile and waved back. I thought "he is friendly towards missionaries" I went up to him and starting to talking to him. The missionaries visited his house when he was 15, over 15 years a go, and he has played futbal with a few members. We asked him if we could stop by, he said of course. We have a cita mañana. We also just stopped on the street randomly to talk to another guy. He basically told us he has yet to see a message from a church that has actually helped unify the family. And that most of them tend to destroy the family more. This was also after he said how he has seen our ads and liked them alot. He then started asking us just about every question that lesson 2 the plan of salvation answers.  Someone actually having questions about the soul!  We have an appointment tonight. Miracle after miracle. I feel like all of our hard work is paying off. 

I have learned a lot on my mission about faith. Faith is the source of everything we do. It is where we draw power from our Heavenly Father. If we don´t accept something as true when in reality it is true, it is because we don´t have enough faith to accept it. If we don´t repent it means we don´t have the faith sufficient. If we become discouraged and give up, it is because we don´t have the faith that there is that lady praying around the corner that someone comes and saves her from the life she is currently living. Miracles exist. They don´t just happen. God makes them happen through our faith, through our efforts. Pray for a miracle, get off your knees and start doing.


Elder Skousen

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